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What Jesus left to start something here

RETRACE: walking in the footsteps of Jesus

SERMON AUDIO: RETRACE sermon_11-26-2017

We’re in a series of retracing the footsteps of Jesus — to see the world through His eyes. To understand history from His unique perspective as the Son of God and the Son of man. And I’ll show off a few pics from Israel!

SUNDAY 10:30am

Abundant JOY!

SERMON AUDIO: Abundant JOY 03-19-2017
SERMON NOTES: Abundant JOY sermon 03-19-2017 NOTES

Our series continues through the month March where we explore a 3000 year old song that was written by an adulterer and a murderer.  He’s a broken man with nowhere to hide and this song reveals where he went to find an abundant life.  That doesn’t sound right, and it doesn’t sound possible, but come each Sunday to find out more.

SUNDAY 10:30am

Communion Service

SERMON AUDIO:  communion-sunday-09-04-2016
SERMON NOTES:  Sorry no notes this Sunday

Everyone is getting ready to start a new season of school, work, and recreational activities.  The beginning of September is always a time of transitions.  This Sunday, Rev. Stein with be helping us prepare for a ancient meal that is a transitional time in Jesus’ ministry.  He will help us understand how it impacts our daily lives today.

SUNDAY 10:30am

Jesus Changes my Church and my World!

SERMON AUDIO: Jesus changes everything_10-25-2015
SERMON NOTES: Jesus Changes Things 10-25-2015_NOTES

Jesus Changes Everything!  Even the world with all its troubles?
In this last sermon of the series, we’ll be revealing from the Bible God’s means for bringing a world of change to the world you live in! Jesus can change anything — just listen!

SUNDAY 10:30am

The Pure Joy Man!

Happy Father’s Day

SERMON AUDIO: Fathers Say SERMON_06-21-2015

How long is your shadow?  The fact of the matter is, there’s always someone watching us… and there’s always somebody remembering us. So what kind of legacy are you building for those who follow you? Nowhere is this more evident than in the small trials and tests that happen throughout the day. So, dad’s… grandpa’s… uncle’s… brother’s… cousin’s… let’s dig into God’s Word today and see how to become a man who’s legacy makes those who follow us smile!
