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12 Years Old and Growing

RETRACE: walking in the footsteps of Jesus


Christmas is over and the New Year is upon us!  We’re still in a series retracing the footsteps of Jesus — to see the world through His eyes. To understand history from His unique perspective as the Son of God and the Son of man. And I’ll show off a few pics from Israel!

SUNDAY 10:30am

Jesus the Threat

RETRACE: walking in the footsteps of Jesus

SERMON AUDIO: RETRACE sermon_12-24-2017

It is the 4th Sunday of Advent and we are reminded of the important of Christmas.  We’re in a series of retracing the footsteps of Jesus — to see the world through His eyes. To understand history from His unique perspective as the Son of God and the Son of man. And I’ll show off a few pics from Israel!

SUNDAY 10:30am

The Birth of Good News (his name is Jesus!)

RETRACE: walking in the footsteps of Jesus

SERMON AUDIO: RETRACE sermon_12-17-2017
SERMON NOTES: Retrace SERMON NOTES _12-17-2017

It is the 3rd Sunday of Advent and we get to enjoy the cuteness of our KidZone kids putting on a skit for us to remind us of the important of Christmas.  We’re in a series of retracing the footsteps of Jesus — to see the world through His eyes. To understand history from His unique perspective as the Son of God and the Son of man. And I’ll show off a few pics from Israel!

SUNDAY 10:30am

The House of Joseph

RETRACE: walking in the footsteps of Jesus

SERMON AUDIO: RETRACE sermon_12-10-2017

It is the 2nd Sunday of Advent and we are going to look at the influence on Joseph on Jesus and how Jesus walked!  We’re in a series of retracing the footsteps of Jesus — to see the world through His eyes. To understand history from His unique perspective as the Son of God and the Son of man. And I’ll show off a few pics from Israel!

SUNDAY 10:30am

What Jesus left to start something here

RETRACE: walking in the footsteps of Jesus

SERMON AUDIO: RETRACE sermon_11-26-2017

We’re in a series of retracing the footsteps of Jesus — to see the world through His eyes. To understand history from His unique perspective as the Son of God and the Son of man. And I’ll show off a few pics from Israel!

SUNDAY 10:30am

Living on the Edge

SUNDAY 10:30am

Special guest: Rev. Brian Thom is the Director of Communication with our denominations, the Christian & Missionary Alliance.  He comes from our national office to encourage and challenge of global reach with a message entitled Living on the Edge. Check out the link in the logo above!

Message Audio: Living on the Edge_Brian Thom SERMON

SUNDAY 10:30am

Down to Earth HUMILITY

SERMON AUDIO: down-to-earth-sermon_12-11-2016
SERMON NOTES: downtoearth-sermon-12-11-2016_notes

Advent is counting down our days to Christmas!
The hopes and fears of all the year are met in thee tonight!  How often do you get an offer like that?  That’s the kind of offer is accessible though at a price: humility.  But not just a humility like we tend to think of it.  Come celebrate the season with us and we will listen to the ancient story of a God who was so down to earth, He actually came down to earth, so that we could know Him and be saved by Him!  Bless you!

SUNDAY 10:30am

Down to Earth LOVE


SERMON AUDIO: down-to-earth-sermon_12-04-2016
SERMON NOTES: downtoearth-sermon-12-04-2016_notes


Christmas time!
The hopes and fears of all the year are met in thee tonight!  How often do you get an offer like that?  Come celebrate the season with us and we will listen to the ancient story of a God who was so down to earth, He actually came down to earth, so that we could know Him and be saved by Him!  Bless you!

SUNDAY 10:30am

The God who Camps with Us

CAMPING 101: Pitching your Tent on the Promises of God

SERMON AUDIO:  Camping 101 SERMON 08-21-2016
SERMON NOTES:  Camping SERMON 08-21-2016 NOTE

This week, Pastor Mike Newson takes us into the New Testament to learn to from John the way Jesus changes how humanity relates with God and takes the challenges of knowing an unseeable God possible!  This summer we’re going to be getting the Camping 101 and learning to pitch the tent of our faith on the promises of God.  Join us for a fun and faith-filled summer!

SUNDAY 10:30am

Miracles: Do they Happen?

Answering the Skeptic when you don’t understand the question”

SERMON AUDIO: Answering the Skeptic SERMON 05-01-2016
SERMON NOTES: Miracles_NOTES_05-01-2016

We’ve all been in a situation where someone smarter than us, or at least more prepared, cornered us, and challenged our faith in God.  We know we should have an answer, but we don’t, we may not even understand the question.  This is a series for those who are reluctant to engage in conversations about God because they feel unprepared.



SUNDAY 10:30am