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Living on the Edge

SUNDAY 10:30am

Special guest: Rev. Brian Thom is the Director of Communication with our denominations, the Christian & Missionary Alliance.  He comes from our national office to encourage and challenge of global reach with a message entitled Living on the Edge. Check out the link in the logo above!

Message Audio: Living on the Edge_Brian Thom SERMON

SUNDAY 10:30am

Everything in its Time

SERMON AUDIO: a-prayer-for-everything-important-09-25-2016
SERMON NOTES: prayer-sermon-09-25-2016-notes

O’ God, with all our hearts we long for you. Come…

In our shared church prayer we investigate our want and attempts to escape the urgent demands of everything in our lives to be with Jesus. But as we see with Jesus and the disciples, the urgent often pressed Him so strongly that slipping away was not possible. So, there must have been something Jesus had that made up for compromised good-intentions. Find out each Sunday through September as we make our way through the new Alliance Prayer!

SUNDAY 10:30am

Are we Done Camping Yet?

CAMPING 101: Pitching your Tent on the Promises of God

SERMON AUDIO:  Camping 101 SERMON 08-28-2016
SERMON NOTES:  Camping SERMON 08-28-2016 NOTE

This week, Pastor Mike Newson takes us into the New Testament to learn from the Apostle Paul about how Jesus’ resurrection is one of many promises from God and how Jesus changes everything because of it. This concludes our summer series, Camping 101: learning to pitch the tent of our faith on the promises of God.  Why not share a few of these messages with others.

SUNDAY 10:30am

EASTER SUNDAY! Unprepared for what’s next

PATHOS: Embracing a Passionate Faith

SERMON AUDIO: Easter sermon 2016

Pathos is a quality of an experience in life or a work of art that stirs up emotions of pity, sympathy and sorrow. Pathos can be expressed through words, pictures or even with gestures of the body. For sure there is an intellectual side of out faith.  Our faith has reason and fact and many convincing proofs to justify faith in God.  But what people really want is an experience with God not just information.  But other that feeling sorry for my sins, I don’t know what I should be feeling about my faith. Check in with us each week for a thought provoking message and an explanation for truly feeling and experiencing the living God.

SUNDAY 10:30am

Sharing the Good News with Compassion and Generosity

SERMON AUDIO: Sharing the Good News SERMON 11-15-2015
SERMON NOTES: Sharing the Good News Compassion and Generosity_NOTES

Ok, so what do you do with the best news ever? You share it obviously.  But what does good news look like when you don’t feel like sharing it or you don’t like the people who need to hear it?  Through the month of November we’re going to be looking at where and how far good news travels when unhindered!  But sometimes there are things that hold us back.  Join us Sunday to see if you’re being held back.  Come along for the journey!

SUNDAY 10:30am

Jesus Changes my Church and my World!

SERMON AUDIO: Jesus changes everything_10-25-2015
SERMON NOTES: Jesus Changes Things 10-25-2015_NOTES

Jesus Changes Everything!  Even the world with all its troubles?
In this last sermon of the series, we’ll be revealing from the Bible God’s means for bringing a world of change to the world you live in! Jesus can change anything — just listen!

SUNDAY 10:30am

Hope Needs to Do

A Celebration of Hope

SERMON AUDIO: Celebration of Hope SERMON 01-18-2015

SERMON NOTES: A Celebration of Hope – 01-18-2015-NOTE

Throughout this month, we will explore what a personal relationship with Jesus looks like, how to have one, and what it’s meant to do for us!  To help you along, not only do I encourage you to take notes during the sermon, but get a notebook and a calendar, because I’m going to help you learn to listen to the voice of Jesus….And you can get a head start on week’s message by reading…
John 10:27  My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
